National Farm Medicine Rollover Protective Structures Program Partnership

McMillan Warner Mutual Insurance Company policyholders are now eligible for up to 100 percent reimbursement on the cost of retrofitting their tractors with rollover protective structures (ROPS), thanks to a new partnership with the National Farm Medicine Center Wisconsin ROPS Rebate Program.

“Tractor overturns are one of the leading causes of farm-related deaths,” said Scott Krum, CEO of McMillan Warner. “We feel strongly that each tractor should have a ROPS, and are excited to be part of this retrofit program.”

The National Farm Medicine Center program is open to any Wisconsin tractor owner, regardless if they are a McMillan Warner policyholder, and reimburses owners up to 70 percent (maximum of $865) toward the total cost of purchasing, shipping and installing individual ROPS.

The newly formed partnership with The National Farm Medicine Center gives McMillan Warner Mutual policyholder’s an added benefit of receiving the remaining 30 percent of the retrofit cost (maximum of $350).

A ROPS is an operator compartment structure (usually cab or rollbar) intended to protect operators from injuries caused by tractor overturns or rollovers. The ROPS system did not become standard on U.S. manufactured tractors until 1985, more than half the tractors in Wisconsin do not have this protection. A ROPS, when used with a seatbelt, is 99 percent effective in preventing injury or death in the event of an overturn.

Tractor owners can apply for the program via the ROPS hotline, 1-877-767-7748 (1-877-ROPSR4U), or the website, The owner is asked to provide basic information about his or her farm and tractors. Program staff does all the leg work. Enrollees will be mailed retrofit options and costs for their particular tractor.